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LockitNetwork harvests pre-production and production data, and improves the flow of such data from pre-production to post-production. LockitScript is an iPad application used by Script Supervisors to input key information from the set, including locations, scenes, takes, cast, etc., without relying on paper. Limecraft’s integration with LockitScript sees content and rich metadata being ingested into the Limecraft production platform. This enabling online collaboration, pre-cutting and remote editing without further transcoding or file transfers. The integration significantly reduces the time to ingest content.
LockitScript acts as the bridge between planning systems and your production workspace. Rich metadata such as set information, location data, cast, props are automatically made available as metadata of shots.
Comments and annotations added by the script supervisor in the LockitScript application will be made available for search and selection.
When the Script Supervisor has marked circled shots, this information becomes visible in your workspace. This allows you to automatically create a pre-cut of such selected clips.
The Script Supervisor uses LockitScript to add complementary information and comments on a clip per clip basis. These data are linked to the shots and can be exported alongside the media to post-production.
Information jotted down by Script Supervisors on a piece of paper are useless without being typed over manually. Eradicate manual work and use the LockitScript application to directly enter the data in the right format. Doing so, production reports are digitally available to anyone it may concern.
By integrating LockitScript and Limecraft, you get access to essential data from pre-production and production by a single button click. This significantly improves the way you can search for and select the right fragments for post-production or publishing.
By making available data from pre-production and production in your workspace, you can automatically filter and sort content based on set, cast, props, and any other data which may come from planning. Restricting the view to circled shots automatically creates a pre-cut version of the project. This is especially useful for continuing drama or other formats for which you have to manage vast volumes of footage.
By exporting a selection of clips, editors now get access to sequences and rich production data in postproduction, without necessarily having to print out all the production reports.
The integration between Limecraft and LockitNetwork needs to be properly set up, and requires an intervention by Limecraft support staff. Feel free to contact us or to send us an email for more information.