General System Engineering Nico OortsJuly 3, 2018 [et_pb_section transparent_background=”off” allow_player_pause=”off” inner_shadow=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off” custom_padding=”0px|” padding_mobile=”on” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” make_equal=”off” use_custom_gutter=”off”][et_pb_row make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” use_custom_gutter=”off” custom_padding=”0px|” padding_mobile=”on” allow_player_pause=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off” make_equal=”off”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” text_font_size=”15″ text_text_color=”#a0a0a0″ use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] Each Limecraft system engineer has been designing and implementing complex systems for many years, hence we reduce the time-to-market to a minimum and while optimally managing the risks associated with new developments or complex integrations. More than ever, our customers are looking for solutions to focus on their core competences in order to severe intense competition. Outsourcing of new developments or complicated integration projects may enable you to stay focused on excellence. The other way around, outsourcing of your operational excellence programme may free up resources to facilitate your new developments. In either case, you should be looking for a partner that understands the business objectives and that has the expertise to cut the total cost of ownership. Our System Engineering services include: Infrastructure setup, including networks, storage clusters, machine and operating system configuration Roll-out and customisation of available software applications Development of new applications Implementation of security and governance processes Licence Management Limecraft offers a utility based pricing programme. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]