Scripted, Events

Series Mania Forum 2023

Charlotte Coppejans
March 16, 2023

Looking Back: Limecraft’s Attendance at Series Mania Forum 2023

From 21 to 23 March 2023, Limecraft attended the prestigious Series Mania Forum in Lille, France.

The Séries Mania Forum is a three-day event that brings together industry professionals from around the world to network, pitch projects, and discuss the latest trends and challenges facing the TV industry. The festival has been growing steadily over the years, and this year, it attracted more attention from Asia and South America thanks to the network of French institutes in these regions.

Series Mania

One of the new themes at Séries Mania this year was seriemarketing, reflecting the explosion in the number of series being produced and the need to promote them effectively to reach their audiences. The festival hosted several conferences featuring industry specialists, and a prize was awarded for the best marketing campaign. Big players in the industry, such as the BBC and Netflix, were also present.

Limecraft was thrilled to be a part of the Séries Mania Forum and is looking forward to attending more industry events in the future. For those who missed the event, learn more about our solutions and how they can help streamline your workflow. 👇

Limecraft Workflow Automation for Fiction

Limecraft is acknowledged as the industry leader in workflow automation for fiction. Using a proxy-based workflow, Limecraft connects local storage with the online workspace to enable collaboration. Drama production is baked into the DNA of Limecraft, as it was the starting point back in 2010.

Since then Limecraft has continuously evolved and innovated to meet ever more demanding requirements in terms of scale and security. Today, post-production supervisors pride Limecraft on its ability to automate the ingest process, interact with different types of storage, automate the logging process (i.e. automatically cut shots into scenes), control the workflow back and forth the edit suite, and securely share shots and edits online for verification and approval.

Limecraft uses AI to automatically cut shots into scenes in scripted content


💡 For some more background, we have published several reference cases on our website, including


See also