IBC 2024, Scripted, Ingest, Release Notes

24.5 Release: LockitScript Integration, Improved AAF Export, Extended Support for Avid Media Composer

Stuart Russell
August 21, 2024

Ghent, Belgium, 20th August 2024 – We’re pleased to announce that our latest platform release – 2024.5 – went live last week. This update includes a brand new integration with the LockitScript app by LockitNetwork, improved AAF export functionality, and an extension to exporting transcripts to Avid Media Composer’s ScriptSync.

Integration with the LockitScript app

Release 24.5 sees the addition of a new integration with the LockitScript application from LockitNetwork.

LockitScript is an iPad application and online platform that helps Script Supervisors gather and input key content metadata and information from the set of a production, including locations, scenes, takes, cast, etc., without using paper. Limecraft’s integration with LockitScript allows you to ingest such rich metadata into the workspace when proxies are created. Clip-based metadata can then be exported to your editing tool of choice.

More specifically

  • Digital shot and take comments from script and continuity are passed from LockitNetwork’s platform and made available in Limecraft in relation to the right clips.
  • Good and bad take, as well as any additional classifications (director’s favourites, outtakes, etc.) are made available using custom fields in Limecraft.
  • Pre-production information like locations, sets and scenes are made available in Limecraft so they can be used for searching, viewing dailies, and preparing post-production preparation.


A workflow diagram showing how Limecraft integrates with the LockitScript solution from LockitNetwork, allowing information coming from the script supervisor to enhance the dailies in your workspace, and to automatically generate pre-cuts that can be exported to the edit. Image by courtesy of Limecraft.

Overall, this integration enables online collaboration, automates pre-cutting, and allows remote editing without further transcoding or file transfers. This automation cuts the time to edit by 50% or more, and reduces the number of required transcode operations and file transfers.

The integration of Limecraft and LockitNetwork was initially made public at the Media Tech Hub Conference (MTHCon) in Potzdam in September ’22. Click here for a transcript and full recording of the session. For more information on the LockitScript integration, click here.


Enhanced Support for AAF Export

With this release, the AAF export functionality has been extended to provide better support when transferring to post-production. The Limecraft Production Workspace can now be configured to deliver any combination of these sequences and AAF clip elements in a single AAF file export, thereby making the editing assistance process more convenient. This is especially useful in large volume operations like continuing drama.

More specifically

  • You can assign bin colours to clips depending on a metadata field value (e.g., bad takes are red and good takes green).
  • We’ve added more flexibility in the kinds of sequences that are automatically staged for editing, including sequences with subclips (for single cam productions), synced group clips (for multicam setups), or specific sequences by filtering, (e.g. a sequence with all circled takes ordered by timecode).

A screenshot showing data derived from the limecraft and LockitScript integration that will then be exported to Avid MediaComposer. This integration is particularly useful continuing drama due to the sheer volume of items to be handled.

Improved Avid ScriptSync Export

We’re always pleased to improve how Limecraft integrates with other media solutions. With release 24.5, you will notice that when you export transcripts in Avid Media Composer’s ScriptSync format, starting timecodes are now included.

💡 To access the full release notes, which includes some additional enhancements not listed above, please click here.

As always, we look forward to receiving any feedback on this update. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at support@limcraft.com and we’ll be happy to help.